Webmasters: Javascripts

Here you will find some pretty good scripts used all over the net.

Click on a script below:

Scrolling Marquee- Usually used as News Ticker

OnMousever Button- Usually used for Affiliates



Scrolling Marquee
Where to place:
Put this code where you want the marquee to be.
Here is the code:

You can use html inside of the marquee tag! To make it scroll faster change the "scrollAmount" value to a higher number. To make the message scroll "down" or "left/right" or any other direction just change the "direction" value to the direction you want it to scroll. You can also change the width and height of the marquee table. Here is what it looks like:
Message goes in here

OnMouseover Button
Where to place:
Put this code where you want the buttons to be.
Here is the code:

Just change the value of the "img src=" tags and the text/links.
Here is what it looks like:


Where to place:
Put this code at the very top in the <HEAD> section of the document.
Edit the "CONTENT" for how long you want a person on the page and the "URL" for the location you want to send them.
Here is the code:

Where to place:
Put this code where you want the date to be.
Here is the code:

Here is what it looks like:

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