DBGT Network
■ Welcome to DBGT Network. The DBGT Network webmaster & staff are dedicated to offer you the best Dragon Ball content from all over the net. Many features and sections of the site are always being improved to please the visitor. If you don't like something on this site don't hesitate to tell us what it is. This site has grown to be one of the most interactive sites on the net today. Enjoy your visit!
All news reported here is strictly for dbgtn.com only. You may post any news on your site only with a source link back to ours. All news reported here is sourced if obtained elsewhere.
Return of the MMORPG
• The DBGTN MMORPG has been restored to a playable state.
The only feature that still requires some work is the Arena which will be updated soon.
Click here to check it out.

Welcome to DBGTN
• Welcome back to DBGTN! With fRaNk's blessing, I have restored the site to its former glory. The site itself has been completely recoded to modern responsive web standards while maintaining the look and feel of the original.
With the exception of the multimedia pages and a few outdated tutorials, all content has been restored. The classic MiniBoard has also been recreated from scratch. All the core features are in, and I will add the last remaining features shortly (Zenni, Sigs, and Buddies).
The next significant project will be the MMORPG. I have all the screenshots I need, as well as some of the original code, so I am looking forward to authentically recreating it. I will post an update shortly.
For any original fans who may stumble across the site, I hope you enjoy the nostalgia of the new DBGTN! Please leave a comment or post on the MiniBoard.
