
Original Dragon Ball Z site webmasters
Total posts:2
Posted:2024-05-03 01:46:15
Hi everyone! Was thinking about this site and excited to see it was still online. I remember frank really liked Socom. I learned a lot of web development from this mini board and got to talk to so many cool people! I ran King Kai’s palace on angel fire /anime My brother ran Gokus home on angel fire /anime3 I loved going to dbgtn, planet names, temple o trunk and vegettoExs homepage. What other sites do you all remember? Thanks for bringing this back online!
Total posts:2
Posted:2024-02-06 22:31:47
I just thought about this site randomly today, and its cool that its brought back. This site used to have a layout switcher to view past looks, which was awesome. I remember using geocities drag and drop editor and angelfire to make websites back in the day. I liked visiting awesome sites like Blackstar Fusion, Dbz Pokemon, SSSGoku, King Nothing, The Cell Games, etc. on a 56k modem lol. I didn't know this place had a mini board, curious to see what the community was like back then.
Total posts:2
Posted:2024-02-07 22:08:37
Total posts:2
Posted:2024-05-03 01:46:14
Not gonna lie, i was actually thinking about sites that are no longer around regarding anime sites recently that was popular when i was in high school back in 98-02, and i one of the sites i remembered was thing one. Always been a fan of DBGTN i learned alot from the site and Im happily surprised to see that the site is still up. Hopefully there are many more things to come from it ! I miss sites like yours. Things have certainly changed from then to now. Keep up the great work brother ! And thank you for sticking around. :)
Total posts:2
Posted:2024-05-03 01:46:15
Not gonna lie, i was actually thinking about sites that are no longer around regarding anime sites recently that was popular when i was in high school back in 98-02, and i one of the sites i remembered was thing one. Always been a fan of DBGTN i learned alot from the site and Im happily surprised to see that the site is still up. Hopefully there are many more things to come from it ! I miss sites like yours. Things have certainly changed from then to now. Keep up the great work brother ! And thank you for sticking around. :)

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